These are the best German universities

These are the best German universities

Anyone who wants to study in Germany should go to Munich or Heidelberg - say the authors of the new "THE" -Hochschulranking. British and American universities continue to see them at the top. And China is catching up.The University of Freiburg has improved considerably, and the University of Cologne has also improved. Apart from that, the authors of the "Times Higher Education" Study in Germany -Rankings ("THE") - although they still rank among Germany's strongest educational nations - are finding it hard to find the German university landscape.Once a year, the specialist magazine hires the best universities in the world. The ranking is internationally respected, but also controversial. Critics accuse the creators, they rewarded super-rich universities and those who have specifically adjusted their indicators. Research and teaching, internationality, citations in the works of other scientists, as well as the third-party funding of the universities of companies are evaluated.Germany is among the top 1,000 universities in 77 countries with 44 institutions - more than last year. Four German Unis have made it into the ranking, namely the Charite from Berlin (place 126), the University of Passau and the University of Potsdam (both among the best 250) and the Technical University of Hamburg (among the top 500).This year, the University of Freiburg (from rank 95 to rank 82) and the University of Cologne (from place 170 to place 145) are among the most important newcomers.While Germany is once again the top three in the top 200, three German universities have dropped out of this group since last year: the University of Hamburg, the University of Duisburg-Essen and the University of konstanz . Twelve of the 20 universities, which were still among the top 200, fell twelve.

The LMU Munich is the best German university in rank 34, but has lost four ranks compared to the previous year. It had partly overturned its reputation in terms of teaching, research and institutional revenue.
The Technical University of Munich has risen from rank 46 to 41.
The University of Heidelberg has made it into the top 50 again with rank 45, but by comparison with the previous year it has worsened by two places."The country's universities are coming under increasing pressure from the rise of Asia," says Phil Baty, editor-in-chief of the Hochschulranking. The two leading Chinese universities - Peking University and Tsinghua University - have already overtaken Germany's leading institutions. Year after year they improve in the ranking, meanwhile they are among the top 30.According to the expert magazine, funding for German universities is problematic. The funds from the Confederation, which were necessary in view of the increasing number of students, will expire in 2020. Negotiations on further funds are still pending.Best Germany's Best Universities

Baty, however, sees an opportunity for Germany in the Brexit and the situation in the USA: the universities here could benefit from the tightened immigration guidelines in the United Kingdom and in the USA because many students were now looking for alternatives: "If Germany manages to continue to invest its powerful sector of higher education and remain open and hospitable, while other Western countries are increasingly foreclosing, the country will be more competitive again in the coming years. "


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