Health insurance Germany Students

Health insurance Germany Students

Since January 2009, all persons domiciled in Germany have to secure themselves sufficiently for the illness (general health insurance), also students. In the statutory health insurance either within the framework of the non-contributory family insurance, the student compulsory insurance or the voluntary (further) insurance. Alternatively, Health insurance for Germany Students there is the option of being a private student.

international health insurance

The statutory insurance obligation for students is also valid for a temporary stay abroad (whether holiday or foreign study) if enrollment at the German university continues. The benefit entitlement to the statutory health insurance fund is fundamentally retained here if the stay is in a country of the EU, the EEA or in another country, with the German social insurance a social insurance agreement, which includes the health insurance.In Ireland, however, there is only a right to the benefits which are required by law on the spot. The performance catalog varies considerably between the countries, so that it can come to high national payments, which would have to be borne without private insurance abroad! There are also services which are not covered by the GK V in any case, such as private medical treatment or a necessary return transport to Germany!In case of a foreign stay in other countries than the aforementioned countries, however, the claim to benefits during the period and a private foreign-sickness insurance is DE fact essential, since otherwise you will be completely alone in the case of illness! Here is the tariff comparison & quotation calculator for foreign health insurance.There remains the current performance claim in Germany, for example in case of a sudden return due to illness as well as for any remaining co-insured family members.Private insurance-insured students must make themselves aware of their insurance conditions during their stay abroad. Usually this is only available for a few months. Even then you need a private health insurance abroad.

Health insurance for foreign students

Every year, not only does a considerable proportion of German students go abroad, but the number of students enrolled in the FRG is also high. In accordance with the legal regulations, foreign students with residence in Germany are also subject to health insurance. At this point, membership in statutory or private health insurance is necessary.Exemption from the obligation to insure Social insurance agreements are in place with some countries, including the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. Students who are legally insured in their home country can in this case have their insurance cover in Germany recognized by a statutory health insurance company. The necessary documents are provided by the health insurance company in the home country.

Private health insurance for foreign students

In some cases, it is not possible for foreign students to be legally insured because they are not subject to the insurance requirement in the statutory Private health insurance scheme and leave voluntary membership due to missing periods of per-insurance. For example, the language preparatory courses, the visit of a study program or if they are too old (over 30 years). Since the mentioned group of persons is not usually included in the "real" private health insurance because of the "temporary residence permit", the private insurance company has developed special tariffs. Within the framework of the so-called travel health insurance for foreign guests, insurance cover is offered for a period of up to 5 years: tariffs and offers for such "incoming" health insurance are available here.


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