10 reasons why it pays to study in Germany

10 reasons why it pays to study in Germany

In Germany, there is always a lot of bitching and complaining, of course also among students - but do they actually have reason to do so? There must be some reason for Germany to be one of the three most popular destination countries for students from all over the world! Strictly speaking, there are not just one, but at least ten reasons. And what are they, you will find out here:

The study in Germany has a good reputation

Yes indeed! Many students may find the lectures long-winded and uninspired, but the world's economy sees them differently. Graduates of German universities are quite welcome and enjoy a good reputation. The standards at the different universities are relatively similar, so that companies can assess very well what they are getting involved in. Anyone who has acquired a diploma or a master, has definitely something on the box.

For Study in Germany some years they were imposed on students in most of the federal states, and in the meantime they were successfully fought off: the tuition fees. While you have to turn down horrendous sums in other countries and above all the money decides at which university who may take up his studies, this country fortunately set a sign for equal opportunities. That is also why many international students like to come to Germany.

The cost of living is relatively cheap

Not only the studies, but also the living costs are comparatively low in this country. That does not seem to you that way at first. However, if you have spent a semester abroad in another city, you will see what it means. Rents, restaurants and parties are just a bit more expensive than in our student cities.

We are actually nice, right?

As far as cosmopolitanism and tolerance are concerned, Germany is not currently glittering with fame. Instead, quite a few fools go protesting. But is that really supposed to be the wind that blows here? Most students do not feel that way! They like to travel, are interested in their fellow human beings from all over the world and think that others should feel welcome here as well.

Almost 450 recognized Best German universities and more than 17,000 degree programs - there should actually be something for everyone. City or province, mass university or Kaderschmiede, prestige or orchid subject, these are the decisions that have to be made. And everything is possible! Art schools are very interested in international students, who make cultural exchange possible, universities offer great opportunities for a career, especially in the natural sciences, and research also looks for international applicants. An advantage for both sides!

Varied exchange

\International students do not have to feel alone in Germany. In the meantime, already twelve percent of the students come from abroad. No need to worry about exchange of experiences, connection and interesting encounters; that comes of itself! At many universities there are numerous offers such as language tandem, sponsorship programs and parties.

Scholarship programs for international students

This includes, for example, that students from abroad can apply for scholarship programs and student loans. The DAAD offers a variety of programs on its homepage.

A scholarship not only provides the necessary cash injection, but also brings prestige. Unfortunately, a disadvantage in Germany is that scholarships are rather rare, even if they have a good reputation.


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