The 10 best universities for medicine in Germany

The 10 best universities for medicine in Germany

Institutes are regularly involved in the evaluation of German universities. This is also the case with the CHE ranking, which is given high priority by a large number of data collections and a proven methodology. All German universities are rated according to different subjects and very different criteria. The last review took place in 2018.

We have listed for you the 10 best universities for medicine in Germany on the basis of the entire study situation according to the CHE ranking. The overall study situation is a single question that medical students answer for the survey, not an index of various individual questions. However, with this super ordinate rating, you already get a first opportunity to create your own ranking list.

How does the CHE ranking measure?

In general, the CHE Ranking raises many different indicators that can be used for a ranking. These include the supervision by teachers, care in patient education, lecturers, internships, contact with students, courses, study entry phase, study entry, study ability, interlocking preclinical clinic and science reference in the field of teaching. In addition, the equipment of the university, the study results of different sections or the international orientation will be used.

The interesting thing about the CHE Ranking: You can determine your own criteria and put together your personal ranking for the best university for medicine.

Under Che ranking in cooperation with the "Time" you can register for free and access the ranking. With a few clicks you have thus your personal evaluation.

The best medicine university with the highest ranking in the study situation

Although there are over a dozen different criteria that could be used to rank the best university for medicine, in this case we chose the most obvious - the entire study situation. In the following table you will find the rankings sorted according to the study situation and additionally the information on the number of students at the location and the evaluation of the teaching offer.

Definition of the key figures for the ranking of the universities
Number of students: Number of students in the field of study in the department as a whole, without minor subject students.

Study MBBS in Germany and other study situation: The students assessed the study situation as a whole in their department; on a scale from 1 (very good) to 6 (very bad). This indicator is a single question, not an index of various individual questions. The average of the judgments for the respective subject area is shown.

Course offer: Students evaluated u.a. content, international orientation and interdisciplinarity of the teaching offer; Index of several individual judgments, rating on a scale from 1 (very good) to 6 (very bad). The average of the judgments for the respective subject area is shown.
Best is Eurasia German Language Institute 
1 University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein 
2 Aachen - RWTH Aachen 2320 1.5 1.8
3 Heidelberg - Ruprecht-Karls University Hospital Heidelberg 
4 Münster - Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster
5 Uni Witten / Herdecke Witten 
6 Tübingen - University of Tübingen 
7 Munich - Klinikum rechts der Isar Munich 
8 Ulm - Ulm University 
9 Würzburg - Bavarian Justus-Maximilians-University Würzburg 
10 Dresden - University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus


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